Journal articles (90)

  • 2025
    • Reuter, S. & Hamdan, A. Special Issue: Plasma and Liquids—Fundamentals and Applications. Plasma Processes & Polymers22, 2400278 (2025)
    • Billeau, J.-B., Cusson, P., Seletskiy, D. V. & Reuter, S. Optical inline interferometer for enhanced low-field detection via electric-field induced second harmonic generation. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol.34, 01LT03 (2025)
  • 2024
    • Billeau, J.-B., P. Cusson, A. Dogariu, A. Morozov, D.V. Seletskiy, and S. Reuter, Coherent homodyne detection for amplified cross-beam electric-field induced second harmonic. Applied Optics, 2024. 63.
    • Billeau, J.-B., J. Thomas, R. Kashyap, D. Rosenzweig, and S. Reuter, A Comparative Study of Fibre Bragg Grating for Spatially and Temporally Resolved Gas Temperature Measurements in Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jets. Plasma Sources Sci Technol, 2024. accepted.
    • Bissonnette-Dulude, J., P. Heirman, S. Coulombe, A. Bogaerts, T. Gervais, and S. Reuter, Coupling the COST reference plasma jet to a microfluidic device: a computational study. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2024. 33.
    • Jafari, A., A.-S. Afarian, A. Amirsadeghi, P.P. van Vliet, M. Darvish, S. Watson, A. Mousavi, V. Niknezhad, G. Andelfinger, S. Reuter, M.R. Wertheimer, A. Ajji, and H. Savoji, Combination of 3D Printing, Plasma Polymerization, and Bioactive Coatings Towards Fabrication of Eggshell Biowaste/Polycaprolactone Composite Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration. Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2024. 7
  • 2023
    • Bissonnette-Dulude, J., Coulombe, S., Gervais, T. & Reuter, S., 2023. Coupling the COST reference plasma jet to a microfluidic device: a new diagnostic tool for plasma-liquid interactions. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 32, 055003.
    • Laghi, G., S. Watson, S. Reuter, M. Gherardi, and M.R. Wertheimer, Energetics of reactions in an atmospheric pressure plasma jet with argon carrier gas and hexamethyldisiloxane reagent. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2023: p. e2300134.
    • Watson, S., Pattyn, C., Mohseni Garakani, M., Ajji, A., Reuter, S. & Wertheimer, M. R., 2023. Wetting and aging behaviors for several O2 and NH3 plasma treated nanofibrous and flat film polymer materials: A comparison. Plasma Processes and Polymers.
    • Hogue, J., Cusson, P., Meunier, M., Seletskiy, D. V. & Reuter, S., 2023. Sensitive detection of electric field-induced second harmonic signals. Opt Lett, 48, 4601-4604.
  • 2022
    • Lu, X., Bruggeman, P. J., Reuter, S., Naidis, G., Bogaerts, A., Laroussi, M., Keidar, M., Robert, E., Pouvesle, J.-M., Liu, D. & Ostrikov, K., 2022. Grand challenges in low temperature plasmas. Frontiers in Physics, 10.
    • Laroussi, M., S. Bekeschus, M. Keidar, A. Bogaerts, A. Fridman, X. Lu, K. Ostrikov, M. Hori, K. Stapelmann, V. Miller, S. Reuter, C. Laux, A. Mesbah, J. Walsh, C. Jiang, S.M. Thagard, H. Tanaka, D. Liu, D. Yan, and M. Yusupov, Low-Temperature Plasma for Biology, Hygiene, and Medicine: Perspective and Roadmap. IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 2022. 6: p. 127-157.
  • 2021
    • Terebun, P., Kwiatkowski, M., Starek, A., Reuter, S., Mok, Y.S. & Pawlat, J. (2021). Impact of Short Time Atmospheric Plasma Treatment on Onion Seeds. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 41(2), 559-571. Retrieved from
    • Hansen, L., Goldberg, B.M., Feng, D., Miles, R.B., Kersten, H. & Reuter, S. (2021). Energy transfer in interaction of a cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet with substrates. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 30(4), 14 pages. Retrieved from
    • K.D. Weltmann, K.-D., Ito, M., Reuter S., and Wertheimer, M.R. (2021) Special Issue: Plasma and agriculture II in: Plasma Processes and Polymers 18 2170005 10.1002/ppap.202170005:
    • Buxadera-Palomero, J., Fricke, K., Reuter, S., Gil, F.J., Rodriguez, D. & Canal, C. (2021). One-Step Liquid Phase Polymerization of HEMA by Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Discharges for Ti Dental Implants. Applied Sciences, 11(2), 16 pages. Retrieved from
  • 2019
    • Goldberg, B.M., Reuter, S., Dogariu, A. & Miles, R.B. (2019). 1D time evolving electric field profile measurements with sub-ns resolution using the E-FISH method. Optics Letters, 44(15), 3853-3856. Retrieved from
    • Tarabová, B., Lukeš, P., Hammer, M.U., Jablonowski, H., von Woedtke, T., Reuter, S. & Machala, Z. (2019). Fluorescence measurements of peroxynitrite/peroxynitrous acid in cold air plasma treated aqueous solutions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21(17), 8883-8896. Retrieved from
    • Cvelbar, U., Walsh, J.L., Černák, M., de Vries, H.W., Reuter, S., Belmonte, T., Corbella, C., Miron, C., Hojnik, N., Jurov, A., Puliyalil, H., Gorjanc, M., Portal, S., Laurita, R., Colombo, V., Schäfer, J., Nikiforov, A., Modic, M., Kylian, O., Polak, M., Labay, C., Canal, J.M., Canal, C., Gherardi, M., Bazaka, K., Sonar, P., Ostrikov, K.K., Cameron, D., Thomas, S. & Weltmann, K.-D. (2019). White paper on the future of plasma science and technology in plastics and textiles. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 16(1). Retrieved from
    • Brandenburg, R., Bogaerts, A., Bongers, W., Fridman, A., Fridman, G., Locke, B.R., Miller, V., Reuter, S., Schiorlin, M., Verreycken, T. & Ostrikov, K. (2019). White paper on the future of plasma science in environment, for gas conversion and agriculture. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 16(1). Retrieved from
  • 2018
    • Gianella, M., Reuter, S., Press, S.A., Schmidt-Bleker, A., Helden, J.H.v. & Ritchie, G.A.D. (2018). HO2 reaction kinetics in an atmospheric pressure plasma jet determined by cavity ring-down spectroscopy. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 27(9). Retrieved from
    • Hansen, L., Schmidt-Bleker, A., Bansemer, R., Kersten, H., Weltmann, K.-D. & Reuter, S. (2018). Influence of a liquid surface on the NO x production of a cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51(47). Retrieved from
    • Sudhakaran, M.S.P., Sultana, L., Hossain, M.M., Pawlat, J., Diatczyk, J., Brüser, V., Reuter, S. & Mok, Y.S. (2018). Iron–ceria spinel (FeCe2O4) catalyst for dry reforming of propane to inhibit carbon formation. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 61, 142-151. Retrieved from
    • Jablonowski, H., Santos Sousa, J., Weltmann, K.-D., Wende, K. & Reuter, S. (2018). Quantification of the ozone and singlet delta oxygen produced in gas and liquid phases by a non-thermal atmospheric plasma with relevance for medical treatment. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 12 pages. Retrieved from
    • Reuter, S., von Woedtke, T. & Weltmann, K.-D. (2018). The kINPen—a review on physics and chemistry of the atmospheric pressure plasma jet and its applications. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51(23). Retrieved from
  • 2017
    • Yusupov, M., Wende, K., Kupsch, S., Neyts, E.C., Reuter, S. & Bogaerts, A. (2017). Effect of head group and lipid tail oxidation in the cell membrane revealed through integrated simulations and experiments. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 14 pages. Retrieved from
  • 2016
    • Golda, J., Held, J., Redeker, B., Konkowski, M., Beijer, P., Sobota, A., Kroesen, G., Braithwaite, N.S.J., Reuter, S., Turner, M.M., Gans, T., O’Connell, D. & Schulz-von der Gathen, V. (2016). Concepts and characteristics of the ‘COST Reference Microplasma Jet’. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49(8). Retrieved from
    • Gianella, M., Reuter, S., Aguila, A.L., Ritchie, G.A.D. & Helden, J.-P.H.v. (2016). Detection of HO2 in an atmospheric pressure plasma jet using optical feedback cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy. New Journal of Physics, 18(11). Retrieved from
    • Iseni, S., Bruggeman, P.J., Weltmann, K.-D. & Reuter, S. (2016). Nitrogen metastable (N2(A3 Σu+)) in a cold argon atmospheric pressure plasma jet: Shielding and gas composition. Applied Physics Letters, 108(18). Retrieved from
    • Winter, J., Hänel, M. & Reuter, S. (2016). Novel focal point multipass cell for absorption spectroscopy on small sized atmospheric pressure plasmas. Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(4). Retrieved from
    • Bruggeman, P.J., Kushner, M.J., Locke, B.R., Gardeniers, J.G.E., Graham, W.G., Graves, D.B., Hofman-Caris, R.C.H.M., Maric, D., Reid, J.P., Ceriani, E., Fernandez Rivas, D., Foster, J.E., Garrick, S.C., Gorbanev, Y., Hamaguchi, S., Iza, F., Jablonowski, H., Klimova, E., Kolb, J., Krcma, F., Lukes, P., Machala, Z., Marinov, I., Mariotti, D., Mededovic Thagard, S., Minakata, D., Neyts, E.C., Pawlat, J., Petrovic, Z.L., Pflieger, R., Reuter, S., Schram, D.C., Schröter, S., Shiraiwa, M., Tarabová, B., Tsai, P.A., Verlet, J.R.R., von Woedtke, T., Wilson, K.R., Yasui, K. & Zvereva, G. (2016). Plasma–liquid interactions: a review and roadmap. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 25(5). Retrieved from
    • Lu, X., Naidis, G.V., Laroussi, M., Reuter, S., Graves, D.B. & Ostrikov, K. (2016). Reactive species in non-equilibrium atmospheric-pressure plasmas: Generation, transport, and biological effects. Physics Reports, 630, 84 pages. Retrieved from
  • 2015
    • Jablonowski, H., Bussiahn, R., Hammer, M.U., Weltmann, K.-D., Woedtke, T.v. & Reuter, S. (2015). Impact of plasma jet vacuum ultraviolet radiation on reactive oxygen species generation in bio-relevant liquids. Physics of Plasmas, 22(12). Retrieved from
    • Bekeschus, S., Iséni, S., Reuter, S., Masur, K. & Weltmann, K. (2015). Nitrogen Shielding of an Argon Plasma Jet and Its Effects on Human Immune Cells. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 43(3), 776-781. Retrieved from
    • Gaens, W.V., Iseni, S., Schmidt-Bleker, A., Weltmann, K.D., Reuter, S. & Bogaerts, A. (2015). Numerical analysis of the effect of nitrogen and oxygen admixtures on the chemistry of an argon plasma jet operating at atmospheric pressure. New Journal of Physics, 17(3). Retrieved from
    • Schmidt-Bleker, A., Winter, J., Bösel, A., Reuter, S. & Weltmann, K.-D. (2015). On the plasma chemistry of a cold atmospheric argon plasma jet with shielding gas device. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 25(1), 24 pages. Retrieved from
    • Jablonowski, H., Hansch, M.A., Dunnbier, M., Wende, K., Hammer, M.U., Weltmann, K.D., Reuter, S. & Woedtke, T. (2015). Plasma jet’s shielding gas impact on bacterial inactivation. Biointerphases, 10(2). Retrieved from
    • Schmidt-Bleker, A., Norberg, S.A., Winter, J., Johnsen, E., Reuter, S., Weltmann, K.D. & Kushner, M.J. (2015). Propagation mechanisms of guided streamers in plasma jets: the influence of electronegativity of the surrounding gas. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 24(3). Retrieved from
    • Mureşan, M.-G., Campbell, A.C., Ondračka, P., Buršíková, V., Peřina, V., Polcar, T., Reuter, S., Hammer, M.U., Valtr, M. & Zajíčková, L. (2015). Protective double-layer coatings prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition on tool steel. Surface and Coatings Technology, 272, 229-238. Retrieved from
    • Schmidt-Bleker, A., Reuter, S. & Weltmann, K.D. (2015). Quantitative schlieren diagnostics for the determination of ambient species density, gas temperature and calorimetric power of cold atmospheric plasma jets. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48(17). Retrieved from
    • Pipa, A.V., Ionikh, Y.Z., Chekishev, V.M., Dünnbier, M. & Reuter, S. (2015). Resonance broadening of argon lines in a micro-scaled atmospheric pressure plasma jet (argon μAPPJ). Applied Physics Letters, 106(24). Retrieved from
    • Reuter, S., Sousa, J.S., Stancu, G.D. & Hubertus van Helden, J.-P. (2015). Review on VUV to MIR absorption spectroscopy of atmospheric pressure plasma jets. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 24(5). Retrieved from
    • Dünnbier, M., Becker, M.M., Iseni, S., Bansemer, R., Loffhagen, D., Reuter, S. & Weltmann, K.D. (2015). Stability and excitation dynamics of an argon micro-scaled atmospheric pressure plasma jet. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 24(6). Retrieved from
    • Reuter, S., Winter, J., Iséni, S., Schmidt-Bleker, A., Dünnbier, M., Masur, K., Wende, K. & Weltmann, K. (2015). The Influence of Feed Gas Humidity Versus Ambient Humidity on Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet-Effluent Chemistry and Skin Cell Viability. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 43(9), 3185-3192. Retrieved from
    • Winter, J., Sousa, J.S., Sadeghi, N., Schmidt-Bleker, A., Reuter, S. & Puech, V. (2015). The spatio-temporal distribution of He (23S1) metastable atoms in a MHz-driven helium plasma jet is influenced by the oxygen/nitrogen ratio of the surrounding atmosphere. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 24(2), 11 pages. Retrieved from
  • 2014
    • Iseni, S., Schmidt-Bleker, A., Winter, J., Reuter, S. & Weltmann, K.D. (2014). Atmospheric pressure streamer follows the turbulent argon air boundary in a MHz argon plasma jet investigated by OH-tracer PLIF spectroscopy. Journal of Physics D, Applied Physics, 47(15), 6 pages. Retrieved from
    • Schneider, S., Dünnbier, M., Hübner, S., Reuter, S. & Benedikt, J. (2014). Atomic nitrogen: a parameter study of a micro-scale atmospheric pressure plasma jet by means of molecular beam mass spectrometry. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47(50). Retrieved from
    • Iseni, S., Reuter, S., Schmidt-Bleker, A. & Weltmann, K. (2014). Flow and Discharge Development in an Argon Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Observed by ICCD and PLIF Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 42(10), 2458-2459. Retrieved from
    • Reuter, S., Schmidt-Bleker, A., Tresp, H., Winter, J., Iseni, S., Hammer, M., Dünnbier, M. & Weltmann, K.D. (2014). Interaction of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jets with Liquids. Plasma Physics and Technology, 1(2). Retrieved from
    • Reuter, S., Masur, K., Woedtke, T.v. & Weltmann, K.-D. (2014). Kalte Plasmen in der Medizin. Physikjournal, 13(10), 39-44. Retrieved from
    • Reuter, S., Masur, K., von Woedtke, T. & Weltmann, K.-D. (2014). Kalte Plasmen in der Medizin: Der “Cocktail” der aktiven Plasmabestandteile ist vielversprechend bei der Heilung von chronischen Wunden. Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis, 26(5), 28-34. Retrieved from
    • Iseni, S., Zhang, S., van Gessel, A.F.H., Hofmann, S., van Ham, B.T.J., Reuter, S., Weltmann, K.D. & Bruggeman, P.J. (2014). Nitric oxide density distributions in the effluent of an RF argon APPJ: effect of gas flow rate and substrate. New Journal of Physics, 16(12). Retrieved from
    • Iséni, S., Reuter, S. & Weltmann, K.-D. (2014). NO2 dynamics of an Ar/Air plasma jet investigated byin situquantum cascade laser spectroscopy at atmospheric pressure. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47(7). Retrieved from
    • Schmidt-Bleker, A., Reuter, S. & Weltmann, K.-D. (2014). Non-dispersive path mapping approximation for the analysis of ambient species diffusion in laminar jets. Physics of Fluids, 26(8). Retrieved from
    • Bundscherer, L., Nagel, S., Hasse, S., Tresp, H., Wende, K., Walther, R., Reuter, S., Weltmann, K.-D., Masur, K. & Lindequist, U. (2014). Non-thermal plasma treatment induces MAPK signaling in human monocytes. Open Chemistry, 13(1). Retrieved from
    • Reuter, S., Schmidt-Bleker, A., Iseni, S., Winter, J. & Weltmann, K. (2014). On the Bullet-Streamer Dualism. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 42(10), 2428-2429. Retrieved from
    • Schmidt-Bleker, A., Winter, J., Iseni, S., Dünnbier, M., Weltmann, K.D. & Reuter, S. (2014). Reactive species output of a plasma jet with a shielding gas device—combination of FTIR absorption spectroscopy and gas phase modelling. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47(14). Retrieved from
    • Wende, K., Reuter, S., von Woedtke, T., Weltmann, K.-D. & Masur, K. (2014). Redox-Based Assay for Assessment of Biological Impact of Plasma Treatment. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 11(7), 655-663. Retrieved from
    • Winter, J., Tresp, H., Hammer, M.U., Iseni, S., Kupsch, S., Schmidt-Bleker, A., Wende, K., Dünnbier, M., Masur, K., Weltmann, K.D. & Reuter, S. (2014). Tracking plasma generated H2O2 from gas into liquid phase and revealing its dominant impact on human skin cells. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47(28). Retrieved from
  • 2013
    • Dünnbier, M., Schmidt-Bleker, A., Winter, J., Wolfram, M., Hippler, R., Weltmann, K.D. & Reuter, S. (2013). Ambient air particle transport into the effluent of a cold atmospheric-pressure argon plasma jet investigated by molecular beam mass spectrometry. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46(43). Retrieved from
    • Matthes, R., Bender, C., Schlüter, R., Koban, I., Bussiahn, R., Reuter, S., Lademann, J., Weltmann, K.-D. & Kramer, A. (2013). Antimicrobial Efficacy of Two Surface Barrier Discharges with Air Plasma against In Vitro Biofilms. PLoS ONE, 8(7), 11 pages. Retrieved from
    • Tresp, H., Hammer, M.U., Weltmann, K.-D. & Reuter, S. (2013). Effects of Atmosphere Composition and Liquid Type on Plasma-Generated Reactive Species in Biologically Relevant Solutions. Plasma Medicine, 3(1-2), 45-55. Retrieved from
    • Winter, J., Wende, K., Masur, K., Iseni, S., Dünnbier, M., Hammer, M.U., Tresp, H., Weltmann, K.D. & Reuter, S. (2013). Feed gas humidity: a vital parameter affecting a cold atmospheric-pressure plasma jet and plasma-treated human skin cells. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46(29). Retrieved from
    • Hammer, M.U., Forbrig, E., Kupsch, S., Weltmann, K.-D. & Reuter, S. (2013). Influence of Plasma Treatment on the Structure and Function of Lipids. Plasma Medicine, 3(1-2), 97-114. Retrieved from
    • Voráč, J., Dvořák, P., Procházka, V., Ehlbeck, J. & Reuter, S. (2013). Measurement of hydroxyl radical (OH) concentration in an argon RF plasma jet by laser-induced fluorescence. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 22(2). Retrieved from
    • Kramer, A., Bender, C., Assadian, O., Ekkernkamp, A., Hartmann, B., Heidecke, C.-D., Hinz, P., Koban, I., Masur, K., Matthes, R., Metelmann, H.-R., Partecke, L.I., Reuter, S., Sckell, A., Weltmann, K.D. & Lademann, J. (2013). Physikalisches kaltes Atmosphärendruckplasma als aussichtsreiche Option zur Behandlung chronischer Wunden. Hygiene & Medizin, 38, 39-44.
    • von Woedtke, T., Reuter, S., Masur, K. & Weltmann, K.D. (2013). Plasmas for medicine. Physics Reports, 530(4), 291-320. Retrieved from
    • Tresp, H., Hammer, M.U., Winter, J., Weltmann, K.D. & Reuter, S. (2013). Quantitative detection of plasma-generated radicals in liquids by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46(43). Retrieved from
    • Kramer, A., Lademann, J., Bender, C., Sckell, A., Hartmann, B., Münch, S., Hinz, P., Ekkernkamp, A., Matthes, R., Koban, I., Partecke, I., Heidecke, C.D., Masur, K., Reuter, S., Weltmann, K.D., Koch, S. & Assadian, O. (2013). Suitability of tissue tolerable plasmas (TTP) for the management of chronic wounds. Clinical Plasma Medicine, 1(1), 11-18. Retrieved from
    • Bundscherer, L., Bekeschus, S., Tresp, H., Hasse, S., Reuter, S., Weltmann, K.-D., Lindequist, U. & Masur, K. (2013). Viability of Human Blood Leukocytes Compared with Their Respective Cell Lines after Plasma Treatment. Plasma Medicine, 3(1-2), 71-80. Retrieved from
  • 2012
    • Winter, J., Dünnbier, M., Schmidt-Bleker, A., Meshchanov, A., Reuter, S. & Weltmann, K.D. (2012). Aspects of UV-absorption spectroscopy on ozone in effluents of plasma jets operated in air. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45(38). Retrieved from
    • Reuter, S., Winter, J., Schmidt-Bleker, A., Schroeder, D., Lange, H., Knake, N., Schulz-von der Gathen, V. & Weltmann, K.D. (2012). Atomic oxygen in a cold argon plasma jet: TALIF spectroscopy in ambient air with modelling and measurements of ambient species diffusion. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 21(2), 7 pages. Retrieved from
    • Reuter, S., Winter, J., Schmidt-Bleker, A., Tresp, H., Hammer, M.U. & Weltmann, K. (2012). Controlling the Ambient Air Affected Reactive Species Composition in the Effluent of an Argon Plasma Jet. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 40(11), 2788-2794. Retrieved from
    • Pipa, A.V., Reuter, S., Foest, R. & Weltmann, K.D. (2012). Controlling the NO production of an atmospheric pressure plasma jet. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45(8). Retrieved from
    • Reuter, S., Winter, J., Iseni, S., Peters, S., Schmidt-Bleker, A., Dünnbier, M., Schäfer, J., Foest, R. & Weltmann, K.D. (2012). Detection of ozone in a MHz argon plasma bullet jet. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 21(3). Retrieved from
    • Reuter, S., Tresp, H., Wende, K., Hammer, M.U., Winter, J., Masur, K., Schmidt-Bleker, A. & Weltmann, K. (2012). From RONS to ROS: Tailoring Plasma Jet Treatment of Skin Cells. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 40(11), 2986-2993. Retrieved from
    • Fricke, K., Reuter, S., Schroder, D., Schulz-von der Gathen, V., Weltmann, K. & Woedtke, T.v. (2012). Investigation of Surface Etching of Poly(Ether Ether Ketone) by Atmospheric-Pressure Plasmas. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 40(11), 2900-2911. Retrieved from
    • Schafer, J., Foest, R., Reuter, S., Kewitz, T., Sperka, J. & Weltmann, K.D. (2012). Laser schlieren deflectometry for temperature analysis of filamentary non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma. Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(10). Retrieved from
    • Kettlitz, M., Höft, H., Hoder, T., Reuter, S., Weltmann, K.D. & Brandenburg, R. (2012). On the spatio-temporal development of pulsed barrier discharges: influence of duty cycle variation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45(24). Retrieved from
    • Weltmann, K.-D., Polak, M., Masur, K., von Woedtke, T., Winter, J. & Reuter, S. (2012). Plasma Processes and Plasma Sources in Medicine. Contributions to Plasma Physics, 52(7), 644-654. Retrieved from
  • 2011
    • O’Connell, D., Cox, L.J., Hyland, W.B., McMahon, S.J., Reuter, S., Graham, W.G., Gans, T. & Currell, F.J. (2011). Cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet interactions with plasmid DNA. Applied Physics Letters, 98(4). Retrieved from
    • O’Connell, D., Cox, L.J., Hyland, W.B., McMahon, S.J., Reuter, S., Graham, W.G., Gans, T. & Currell, F.J. (2011). Cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet interactions with plasmid DNA. Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.
  • 2010
    • Waskoenig, J., Niemi, K., Knake, N., Graham, L.M., Reuter, S., Gathen, V.S.-v.d. & Gans, T. (2010). Atomic oxygen formation in a radio-frequency driven micro-atmospheric pressure plasma jet. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 19(4). Retrieved from
    • Niemi, K., Reuter, S., Graham, L.M., Waskoenig, J., Knake, N., Gathen, V.S.-v.d. & Gans, T. (2010). Diagnostic based modelling of radio-frequency driven atmospheric pressure plasmas. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43(12). Retrieved from
    • Tillmann, W., Vogli, E., Nebel, J., Buck, V. & Reuter, S. (2010). Influence on Diamonds During the Spraying of Diamond-Bronze Abrasive Coatings. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 19(1), 350-357. Retrieved from
  • 2009
    • Stamm, B., Küzün, B., Filipov, O., Reuter, S., Erdmann, I., Deuerler, F., Krix, D., Huba, K., Nienhaus, H. & Buck, V. (2009). Adjustment of Wear Particle Size Distribution of DLC Coatings for Tribological Metal-to-Metal Pairing in Artificial Hip Joints. Materialwissenschaft & Werkstofftechnik, 40(1-2), 98-100. Retrieved from
    • Niemi, K., Reuter, S., Graham, L.M., Waskoenig, J. & Gans, T. (2009). Diagnostic based modeling for determining absolute atomic oxygen densities in atmospheric pressure helium-oxygen plasmas. Applied Physics Letters, 95(15). Retrieved from
  • 2008
    • Knake, N., Reuter, S., Niemi, K., Schulz-von der Gathen, V. & Winter, J. (2008). Absolute atomic oxygen density distributions in the effluent of a microscale atmospheric pressure plasma jet. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41(19). Retrieved from
    • Knake, N., Niemi, K., Reuter, S., Schulz-von der Gathen, V. & Winter, J. (2008). Absolute atomic oxygen density profiles in the discharge core of a microscale atmospheric pressure plasma jet. Applied Physics Letters, 93(13). Retrieved from
    • Reuter, S., Niemi, K., Schulz-von der Gathen, V. & Döbele, H.F. (2008). Generation of atomic oxygen in the effluent of an atmospheric pressure plasma jet. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 18(1), 9 pages. Retrieved from
    • Schulz-von der Gathen, V., Schaper, L., Knake, N., Reuter, S., Niemi, K., Gans, T. & Winter, J. (2008). Spatially resolved diagnostics on a microscale atmospheric pressure plasma jet. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41(19). Retrieved from
  • 2007
    • Schulz-von der Gathen, V., Buck, V., Gans, T., Knake, N., Niemi, K., Reuter, S., Schaper, L. & Winter, J. (2007). Optical Diagnostics of Micro Discharge Jets. Contributions to Plasma Physics, 47(7), 510-519. Retrieved from
  • 2006
    • Reuter, S., Weßkamp, B., Büscher, R., Fischer, A., Barden, B., Löer, F. & Buck, V. (2006). Correlation of structural properties of commercial DLC-coatings to their tribological performance in biomedical applications. Wear, 261(3), 419-425. Retrieved from
    • Reddy, Y.K.V., Mergel, D., Reuter, S., Buck, V. & Sulkowski, M. (2006). Structural and optical properties of BaTiO3thin films prepared by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering at various substrate temperatures. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 39(6), 1161-1168. Retrieved from
  • 2005
    • Zhang, G.F., Reuter, S. & Buck, V. (2005). Deposition of hard carbon coatings using combined inductively and capacitively coupled plasma sources. Surface and Coatings Technology, 190(1), 54-59. Retrieved from
  • 2004
    • Heimann, B., Reuter, S., Deuerler, F. & Buck, V. (2004). Qualitätssicherung durch Schichtdickenmessung von Diamant- und diamantartigen Schichten. Galvanotechnik, 95(4), 994-1001.